Focus on your lower half in this belly-busting, booty shaping, two-part intensive class that features a series of exercise combinations that target–you guessed it–your belly, butt, and thighs!
Why Try Belly, Butt & Thighs Bootcamp?
Cheers to this belly-busting, booty-shaping bootcamp! Belly, Butt & Thighs combines the best of both worlds: focused, intense, booty-burning, core-sculpting strength work with drill-based cardiovascular segments to torch calories and shake out the lactic acid. Brace yourself for an intense class that’s all about sculpting your curves with a killer combos designed to target the triple threat of fitness–your belly, butt, and thighs. Time to work it, shake it, and slay those lower body assets like the boss you are!
What Is Belly Butt & Thighs Bootcamp Like?
Belly, Butt & Thighs Bootcamp targets the lower body with a two-tiered attack, blending fat-burning cardio with solid muscle conditioning. This unique combination delivers cardio power drills and no-nonsense strength training in a nonstop bootcamp-style format. This workout is simple and effective training style for participants of all fitness levels.
Who Are Belly Butt & Thigh Bootcamp Classes Best For?
Belly Butt & Thighs Bootcamp is for anyone and everyone who wants to strengthen lower body muscles plus get their heart pumping for a great cardio workout. The cardio drills are simple and fun with options for everyone. Strength training is taught with hard, harder, and hardest options for all to be challenged. Belly Butt & Thighs is a nonstop, fat-burning, body sculpting blast!
Is Belly Butt & Thighs Bootcamp a Good Workout?
Belly, Butt, and Thighs (BBT) Bootcamp strengthens the muscles of the lower body, sculpts, and shapes the lower body and provides a great cardiovascular workout. This action-packed class also focuses on strengthening and toning the core. You can expect improvement in:
- Strength Gains. Working primarily on the lower body, this bootcamp class strengthens the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves while also working on the core. The lower body contains some of the largest and most powerful muscles in the body. By working those, along with the core, BBT is a great waist-trimming, body-sculpting training session.
- Cardiovascular Fitness. Intense athletic drills set between strength segments provide a heart-pounding way to shake off the burn and prepare for the next set.
- Core Strength. Core conditioning drills are done throughout the workout. Increased core strength helps to provide a firm base of support for virtually all movement. Strength and coordination of the core muscles is important in both working out and in daily life.
How Difficult is Belly Butt & Thighs Bootcamp?
6/10. All fitness levels welcome, with tailor-made options for all. The cardio drills are simple and athletic-based. Each exercise can be executed at hard, harder, and hardest options to satisfy both beginners and beast mode.
How Long Is Each Class?
Belly, Butt & Thighs Bootcamp is a 30-minute nonstop fitness fest of lower body strength with fun cardio drills and core training for a total body celebration of fitness.
What Should I Wear?
Come ready to play. Typically, people wear sweat-wicking clothing that will offer ample coverage and will stay put and allow you to move with ease throughout the range of motion of exercises.
Cross Training Gym Shoes. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes that offer support and stability as you lift, lunge, and leap during class.
What do I need to Bring?
Hydrate, my friend! Make sure you have plenty of water with you. Also, pack a towel in your gym bag to catch your sweat, as you will be dripping and glistening. Most importantly, bring a great attitude and smile to share.
What Types of Strength Classes Are Available?
Band Camp
Get ready to hear the music of your legs, glutes, and core in Band Camp, where flat bands become the instruments to sculpt your lower body into one lean, muscular powerhouse. Learn the patterns in Band Camp Basics, then advance to the Band Camp Booster level to orchestrate your muscles into a fat-burning ensemble
Barbell Bound.
Bound for time? Bound for results? You’re bound to raise the bar in this singular workout that combines two types of strength training. Lift your way through barbell sets alternated with bound rounds and burnout sets utilizing heavy resistance bands to produce a grueling workout that will leave you unbelievably strong, focused and barbell bound
Barre Bootcamp.
Become a lean, mean ballet dancer in this fusion class. Inspired by ballet and strength training, this high intensity barre class targets your arms, core, thighs, and booty to help you create a long, lean dancer’s body. Get ready to feel the barre burn.
Hang from the durable TRX® ropes to push, pull, lift, and lower your body through Spiderman moves for a total body suspension workout that also super-strengthens your core.
This upper and lower body strength-based class utilizes heavier weights to provide a total body workout with balance, core and strength segment and chisel your muscles.
Get ready to shake things up in this high energy, strength, and endurance workout as you shift in a circle from station to station using advanced strength equipment including Tomahawks, Sandbags and Barbells. Recover in the Epicenter with body weight exercises designed to cause tremors throughout your body. Come prepared to be moved!
Push Point.
Explore your limits and push your boundaries in this Intense strength-based workout, alternating plyometrics and strength training. The Push Point utilizes Tabata intervals to create a rollercoaster ride of work! Participants alternate blocks of controlled lower body and heavy upper body weight training followed by the adrenaline rush of a power block of plyometric lower body work efforts and lighter upper body sculpting. Pattern the work, then PUSH it: that’s The Push Point!
Focus on Strength, Length, Agility and Mobility and get SLAMMED in this hard-hitting high intensity class utilizing Hyperwear sand bells. You’ll slam, push, pull and drag your sand bell through a series of hardcore heavy hitting exercises designed to chisel your body and slam you into shape.
Top It Off.
Shape and sculpt every muscle in your upper body in this two-part, heart-pumping workout. Using weights and isometric exercises, you’ll work through a series of sweat inducing exercises to tone and chisel your arms, shoulders, chest, and back.
Looped In.
Get LOOPED IN to a great workout utilizing the Slastix Loop by Stroops. Shape and strengthen your lower body and chisel your abs in this workout that incorporates dedicated segments of lower body toning, core conditioning and explosive cardio intervals. This workout accelerates in intensity as the class progresses. Are you ready to be IN The LOOP?
Find a Belly, Butt & Thighs Bootcamp Class at a Crunch Near You
Can’t wait to take your everyday fitness routine to the next level? Belly, Butt & Thighs Bootcamp is the right class for you! Search here to find the class at a location near you!
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Ready for a sweat fest that will have you sculpting muscles you didn’t know existed? Come to Belly, Butt & Thighs Bootcamp and other fiercely fun strength classes only available at Crunch, make sure you sign up in the app to take a class today! Not a member yet? Click here to Get your free trial gym pass and give Belly, Butt & Thighs Bootcamp, Hot Yoga or one of our other Fun classes a try to see if you and Crunch are made for each other!
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