Redes sociales
Horas de diversión
Lun - Jue: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Viernes: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sáb - Dom: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Opciones de membresía flexibles
Sabemos que tomar decisiones es difícil, pero no te preocupes. Elige la membresía adecuada para ti y empieza a sudar en tu camino hacia la excelencia.
Los más populares
Peak Results
Acceso a múltiples clubes**
Todos los beneficios de Peak, además de clases de HIIT, servicios de R&R y acceso ilimitado para invitados.
Mes a mes sin compromiso
Todos los beneficios de Peak, además de clases de HIIT, servicios de R&R y acceso ilimitado para invitados.
Mes a mes
Sin compromiso
* Excluyendo cualquier tarifa de inscripción, tarifas de procesamiento recurrentes, tarifas anuales o impuestos aplicables.
** Excluye el acceso a las ubicaciones de Crunch Select y Crunch Signature.
Los adicionales están disponibles para compra por separado.
Enrollment fee
Una tarifa de iniciación única.
First Month Dues
The first month's membership fee, which may be deferred when applicable. This covers your initial month of membership.
La experiencia Crunch
Entrena de la manera que desees, Crunch se adapta a todos. Ya sea que vengas a levantar pesas o a hacer cardio y sudar, aquí encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para verte y sentirte lo mejor posible.

Lo que hay adentro es importante
Nos enorgullecemos de ser un gimnasio diseñado a tu medida. Trabajamos arduamente de manera constante para mejorar tu experiencia de acondicionamiento físico. Los clubes están impecablemente limpios y actualizados con espacios divertidos y agradables para hacer tus cosas.
Somos parte del vecindario que reúne a miembros increíbles con entrenadores que no se cansan de animarlos.
Comprueba de que eres capaz en HIITZone con el inigualable nuevo y avanzado programa de entrenamiento de alta intensidad de Crunch. Un espacio de vanguardia para unirte a los intensamente divertidos entrenamientos HIIT de paso acelerado, en grupo.
Estupendas clases
Mantenemos el entusiasmo con muchísimas clases e instructores innovadores con cantidades de energía inextinguibles.
Relájate despues de tu entrenamiento con HydroMassage®, bronceado, saunas, salas de vapor y mucho más. Este club tiene algo especial para que te sientas revitalizado después de tu sesión de entrenamiento.
Sin Prejuicios
Llegar al gimnasio no siempre es fácil. Por eso, cada díaa trabajamos en nuestra convicción central de que el entrenamiento debe empoderar y ser accesible y divertido para todos.

Lo que hay adentro es importante
Nos enorgullecemos de ser un gimnasio diseñado a tu medida. Trabajamos arduamente de manera constante para mejorar tu experiencia de acondicionamiento físico. Los clubes están impecablemente limpios y actualizados con espacios divertidos y agradables para hacer tus cosas.

Somos parte del vecindario que reúne a miembros increíbles con entrenadores que no se cansan de animarlos.

Comprueba de que eres capaz en HIITZone con el inigualable nuevo y avanzado programa de entrenamiento de alta intensidad de Crunch. Un espacio de vanguardia para unirte a los intensamente divertidos entrenamientos HIIT de paso acelerado, en grupo.

Estupendas clases
Mantenemos el entusiasmo con muchísimas clases e instructores innovadores con cantidades de energía inextinguibles.

Relájate despues de tu entrenamiento con HydroMassage®, bronceado, saunas, salas de vapor y mucho más. Este club tiene algo especial para que te sientas revitalizado después de tu sesión de entrenamiento.

Sin Prejuicios
Llegar al gimnasio no siempre es fácil. Por eso, cada díaa trabajamos en nuestra convicción central de que el entrenamiento debe empoderar y ser accesible y divertido para todos.
Aún más para hacer en Crunch

Cardio, Pesas y Máquinas
Brillantes. Pesado. De Todo. Todo lo que necesitas para un entrenamiento gym-azing

Vestuarios con duchas
Guarda tus pertenencias o toma una ducha en nuestros relucientes y limpios baños

Nutrición en línea
Eat well. Live well. Be well. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how.

Entrenamiento de circuito de media hora
Get in and out in just 30 minutes with our dedicated strength training circuit.

Camiseta Gratis
Muestra tu Amor Crunch con tu nueva camiseta

Clases de fitnes en grupo
Get your a$$ to class and get pumped with four walls of group fitness fun!

Ride Classes (Coming Soon)
Get in the saddle, gear up and channel your inner cyclist. Live to Ride. Ride to Crunch.

Clases Avanzadas de HIIT
High intensity interval training with an added push from fellow Crunchers to help you reach new levels with new friends!

Privilegios para invitados
At your club of enrollment, bring a friend with you for free every visit.

Inicio CrunchONE
The CrunchONE Kickoff is the most important thing you need to do to achieve your goals. It's the owner's manual to your membership.

Nuestro espacio de marca registrada de entrenamiento funcional que incluye entrenamiento de alta intensidad

Entrenamiento personal
Alcanza tus metas con nuestros increíble instructores certificados
Reserva una clase de fitness grupal
Class booking not available
You cannot reserve this class for one of the following reasons:
- It is less than 30 min before class
- Attempting to book prior to online booking window
- Class is fully booked
- Class not included in your membership type
- New terms and conditions not accepted
- Membership not active
- More than 5 class reservations today
- Have an overlapping reservation
Sin resultados
Y esta es la única vez que oirás eso sobre las clases de Crunch. Intenta cambiar la ubicación, el día o usar filtros distintos.
Crunch Fitness Updated Terms & Conditions
We have updated our terms & conditions, which now include Late Cancel and No Show Fees. To continue registering for classes online, all members must agree to our updated terms & conditions.
Please review Crunch Fitness Terms & Conditions here
We're not just a gym; we're a vibrant, inclusive community where folks of all backgrounds and levels of fitness can come together to embrace their individuality. Whether you're starting your fitness journey or seeking new heights in your quest for wellness, Crunch is your place to sweat, laugh, and find your healthier self.
Our team of personal training experts will lead you on an adventure beyond mere exercise; it's a journey to achieve your fitness goals. We're here to help you attain your fitness goals while you revel in our high-quality equipment, diverse group of instructors, and top-notch amenities that match the vibrancy of New Jersey. From free weights and cardio machines to the most intense and exhilarating group fitness classes, we offer a vast array of options to help you lose weight and find your path to a healthier you.
Equipos cardiovasculares y de fuerza líderes en la industria
Our Freehold gym boasts state-of-the-art cardio equipment. From high-tech strength and cardio gear to functional movement training, we've got the tools to help our members train and reach their fitness goals, whether it's for weight loss, sport-specific goals, or just staying in better shape.
We're committed to elevating your fitness experience with the best gym equipment, and our trainers are here to make your fitness journey practical and fun. Our premium amenities and a well-structured schedule will allow you to plan your week and never miss your favorite sessions. At Crunch, we are committed to keeping you engaged in pursuing better health and achieving your fitness goals. Our facility has all the equipment you need to succeed on your path to becoming the most vibrant version of yourself.
Entrenadores personales de clase mundial
At Crunch Freehold, we understand that everyone's fitness journey is unique. That's why we've got a crew of local fitness guides and certified trainers who are ready to show you the ropes one-on-one and provide you with the motivation to conquer your fitness goals.
Our team will help you navigate the fitness landscape, conquer strength training challenges, and discover the joy of a fully active lifestyle. Whether you're just beginning or have been exploring the fitness scene, our coaches are here to make the fitness journal as enjoyable and encouraging as possible. Are you ready?
Famosas clases de fitness en grupo
At Crunch, when you join our fitness family, you're embarking on a journey that's not just about achieving your fitness goals; it's about having a blast while doing it. Our commitment to a respectful and supportive workout environment ensures that every fitness adventure is not just about breaking a sweat but also about breaking into a wide grin.
Our members are our community. We believe in the power of group fitness, state-of-the-art facilities, strength equipment, and certified personal trainers to support your journey.
Beneficios para miembros
We believe that health and happiness should be within everyone's reach. Crunch Fitness offers a range of membership options to accommodate every budget.
Our local fitness guides will be your companions on a journey of discovery, whether your focus is on building strength, shedding pounds, or simply feeling more fabulous!
Plus, our top fitness center and oasis are equipped with a variety of amenities to ensure you have a well-rounded fitness experience that suits both your goals and your wallet. We offer flexible membership options that cater to all needs.
Empeza. ¡Únete hoy!
We aren’t joking: there aren't any other gyms in Freehold like Crunch. We can bet on that. It's time to bring our unique, playful spirit to the heart of your beloved city. We're not just any gym; we're the ultimate gym for your health and happiness, embodying a "No Judgments" zone.
¿Todavía no estas seguro? ¡Pruébanos GRATIS!
If you're still not sure if Crunch is your fitness oasis, we totally understand. We have to earn your trust, and we're here to help you discover the magic of our Freehold facility with a one-day free pass.
During your one-day free pass, you can explore our services, test our equipment, and even join a complimentary CrunchOne Kickoff Session with one of our certified coaches. It's the first step on your journey to a healthy lifestyle while experiencing the fun of our unique desert-inspired workouts.
FREEHOLD Preguntas
Where are you located?
We're located at the Freehold mall off Rt. 9 and Burlington is a key retailer in our complex.
¿Tiene preguntas?
Llamenos al 732-683-1313